Thursday, June 28, 2012


Today I'm joining Mama Kat with her weekly writing prompts.

Today's writing prompt I've chosen is "list the 6 best things about being an adult".

Now after much thought and consideration I've formulated a list in which best suits my "favorite" things as an adult.

1.NAPTIME! Nap time lasts longer than 30 minutes to an hour. That's right. Wearing the big girl panties lets me pick and choose when I nap and for what duration. Sure I wish I had more naps, actually on a daily basis but at least when I get to take a nap I make damn sure that nap rocks my world.

2.ALCOHOL Now when I was younger I imagined by the time I hit legal age limit I would be a few steps shy of being considered an alcoholic. However that's not even close to the case. Yet if I have a crap day at work you can bet your ass I can hit up the liquor store and buy wine by the gallons!

3.RULES Unfortunately I still have to abide by these sometimes over the top rules that are called "laws" because I'm not quite the rebel so I still can't dance up and down the streets nude because they try to title it "indecent exposure" or something but for the most part...I make my own rules. like a boss.

4. WISDOM. I would like to think that I've gained an ounce or so of wisdom since my adolescent years. However I wish that I had the knowledge I have now back in the day. I highly doubt I would've used it though.

5. MONETARY FREEDOM That's right, I pick and chose what I do with my hard earned money! You know, what ever is left at the end of the bill cycle anyway... I'm just saying if I walk up in TJ MAXX and want to go ape shit...I can.

6. MOTHERHOOD By far my favorite thing about being an adult is motherhood to my four legged babies anyway. At least I always know someone is super excited to see me when I come home they even pee their pants!

Join in Mama Kat! After today I will have two days left and then it will be Sunday! The only day of the week that I don't work!


  1. I enjoy all of these as well. Maybe #1 and #2 a little too much.

  2. Alcohol. That is true. Though I don't think I really appreciated why it would be so nice when I was a child. Who needs a drink when they are a kid?
