Sunday, June 3, 2012

Finding a Balance

Honestly I've never been much of a cleaner. When it comes to scrubbing toilets, vacuuming, and all the other required duties to keep a home clean you better believe I've always put on my procrastination boots. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love a clean living area but the chore of getting it to that point is not my idea of fun.

until I had my OWN house.

Now I've somehow become my mother. I want ever inch of my house spotless. When my 40+hour work week gets in the way then I'm ready to pull my hair out. Recently we went to the Buffalo River on a canoeing trip plus honey and I worked 40 hour weeks. I find trying to get back into the groove of things isn't near as easy as I originally thought it would be. Yes I admit my house currently looks like a bachelor pad, and yes even Honey agreed.

However I think the average person would say our house is well maintained, yet the mail collection in the kitchen, the dirty laundry, and the somewhat scattered living room is enough to drive me insane. This is where my mother comes in place. Her house is always so clean I would be willing to eat my food off the floor yet she still swears its dirty. I'm just thankful Honey was raised in a clean house as well because he helps me stay on top of things. Really his only duty is to unload the dishwasher but still he helps pick up after himself.

Finding a balance between working, errands, scheduled plans, and cleaning house I have found is not my best area. However I'm still working on it in hopes to one day conquer and officially become a Domestic Diva

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little picky about having a clean apartment now that I live on my own. It feels so nice to have everything all pretty. Having a baby gets in the way of that, and she's not even able to move much and make big messes yet. Im going to have to learn to live with a little more mess.
