Thursday, June 21, 2012

Quick note Thursday

My latest Instagram:

As you see, apparently I do not own a green thumb. I would say my thumb is more of a umm... brown color. I actually had my pretty little gerbera daisy in tip-top shape...and then I left for a weekend and it just hasn't made it's recovery.

Work almost bored me to death today. Since the town fair is currently in the happenings we're dead as a door nail at work and I even dread for tomorrow being that it's Friday. Hey, I'm still hoping for a turn around.

Koby will be going to the groomers for the first time next week and as the time draws nearer the more I want to back out of it. Yes, I treat my dogs like children. Once he has his puppy hair cut away I will never be able to get it back. My mom even mentioned that his hair is what makes him so darn cute but seriously, the poodle is coming out and his hair is almost starting to dread. FYI he's a bich-poo, a bichon frise/poodle mix.

That is all for now. I get to actually sleep in in the morning being that I don't have to be at work till 7AM I can't even begin with my excitement! Meantime, I'm going to go cuddle up with that hunk of love I call Honey. ;)

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