Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hog Rockin'

So for the past four days this Diva has been on total vaca. Every year Honey and I leave out on the bike in June to attend our annual summer bike rally in Cave In Rock, IL- Hog Rock. I could sit here all day and try to explain how crazy it is however, you still probably could never even imagine. Google Hog Rock, they have pictures on the site and as their motto goes, "If you don't want to show it later, don't show it now" you can use your imagination on what that pertains too.
Note: Honey is not cross eyed, he is just full of beer. :D
This lovely couple you see... well this year was not their first go around. Honestly, I didn't even know they were a couple last year when I was sitting at a picnic table enjoying a beer only to look back and see man getting head from woman...I thought they had just met. However this year Honey and I met Mr. and Mrs. Blowjob. They actually turned out to be some pretty neat people, interesting to say the least.
Clearly, you never know what you're going to see when it comes to visiting the grounds of Hog Rock. And yes, that is a motorized Keystone Light beer can.

Though my weekend was fun and relaxing I'm happy to be home. The two hour Harley ride to and from Illinois is enough to wear anyone out. Needless to say I was beyond happy to have a nice shower and be in the comfort of my own home. The babies were beyond excited to see us as were we to see them. They've oddly been on very good behavior, Koby (the puppy) even stayed calm enough to take a nap with Honey and I yesterday. We're beginning to think it's their way of begging us to never leave them for four days again.

Now it's back to putting on the domestic crown that still hangs slightly crooked. Even after a long weekend I've managed to cook dinner last night as well as tonight and even tackle some laundry and straightening up. Unlike my normal self, I have even unpacked and organized all of our camping goods and duffle bag. I believe a jewel added to my crown is well deserved.

1 comment:

  1. Mr and Mrs Blowjob... just wow.. haha. Sounds like a real crazy time.
