Monday, June 25, 2012

Remembering Josh

Meet Josh. Some refer to him as J-PLO. He's the biggest mommas boy you'd ever meet, a sense of humor to leave you with endless laughter, a caring and thoughtful personality, creative and talented in more ways than one, a great listener, a heart of gold, and as determined as they get.

Today marks the fourth year of his passing. June 25, 2008. He was deployed to Baghdad, Iraq and died due to injuries when their vehicle came encountered with an improvised explosive device. I will never forget the day I heard the news. I was sitting at work, home from college, and receive a phone call. It was near closing time and I just sat there. I couldn't believe te words I had just heard nor did any ounce of me want to.

After work I headed to Walmart to pick up a few items when it hit me like a ton of bricks, this was the exact place I last saw Josh Lee Plocica. I will never get the image out of my head of watching the news and seeing his casket being carried off of the plane. All I could think was that it was a dream. Surely it wasn't real, he had so many things going for him, there's no way right?

Since that day I have spent countless hours sitting on the stone bench in front of his grave talking to him telling him of all that's been going on. Writing letters to his mother that I leave there for her to later receive, in which we have now started emailing yet as to be expected the emails have dwindled.

It never gets any easier. I can't help but wonder what he would be up to now if he were still here. Yet he's in such a better place now and I know this because when it comes to a guy like Josh I don't blame God for wanting him to be right there beside him. I continue to pray for his mother and the rest of his family, they were truly blessed, as am I, to have encountered such a wonderful person.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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