Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekend shenanigans

I am feeling this, no doubt. Last week was super long for me. Normally I work a half day or not at all for that matter on Fridays. Then my weekend starts with Saturday and Sunday off work. However this week I had to work Friday as well as Saturday. I'm not going to complain because I love the extra money and I got off at 12pm both days.

Saturday when I got off work I rushed home to take a nap. To those of you who have been around for awhile that comes as no surprise. However we were taking a road trip to Kyle's hometown and were due to be there by 5pm to attend a friends thanksgiving dinner party so I wanted to be well rested from my long week...and plus let's be real I love to sleep!

We had a good time at the party and stayed the night at my soon to be inlaws. Sunday morning we ate breakfast with them and hung around the house watching a couple of movies. Later we headed over to Nanny's, Kyle's grandparents, house and ate lunch with them and hung out.

Afterwards we went back to Kyle's parents to pick up our dogs and head home. We watched the first Twilight movie and also Accepted...which is one of my favorites for some unknown reason.

I guess you could say we had an eventful weekend but I'm somehow happy to starting the week. Maybe it's because thanksgiving is in a couple days, who knows. Last week was a long work week and this one is going to be super short! I get off at three pm Wednesday and don't return till the following Monday. I'll be happy to have a break though!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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