Monday, November 26, 2012

Midnight screech

That yummy sounding casserole in my last post? HUGE HIT! The fam LOVED IT! It was pretty delicious and if I wasnt marrying and cooking dinners for a picky future hubs I would definitely let that recipe make it into the weekly dinner cycle. Yeah, it was that delicious.

Other news! Kyle and I were sound asleep last night. I mean like so asleep I had no idea the world existed kinda sleep. All of a sudden Miss Sophie, which was sleeping between Kyle and I, starts screaming/howling. Other than the fact that I about poo'd myself it turned out to be nothing more than baby girl having a nightmare. Seriously? I knew dogs dreamt but nightmares? It took us a second to calm her down but once that was accomplished she slept in her mommas arms the rest of the night. This morning she was nearly impossible to get up. She went outside and pottied with Koby and then they both came and got in bed with me before I got up to get ready for work. I literally had to pick her up out of the bed and go put her in her crate for me to be able to leave. Normally I just say "let's go Sophie" and off she trots to her sanctuary...which she despises.

So I leave you with photo proof that the babes were even being lazier than their momma this morning:

Oh and of course last night when Sophie decided to stretch across the bed and pass out I took a picture of that as well...

Yes, I take pictures of my dogs like most take pictures of their two legged children.

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