Thursday, November 15, 2012

Christmas cheer v.1

Christmas cheer is almost here! Some may think I'm crazy but I already have my Christmas tree assembled and decorated! I still have a few knick knacks here and there that need to be placed but overall my Christmas decorating is almos complete!

Welcome to the Webb Family's first Christmas in our new house!

Not the best picture but I'll post a better one when I have everything finished ;)

My new Scentsy warmer that I am IN LOVE with! My current scent is Silver Bells, which is one of the holiday specials.

Who doesn't love a bottle of wine especially when it's wearing a Santa outfit!?

I have a lot more stuff that I need to take pictures of. My camera skills were lacking on the day I put everything up so there'll be plenty more to come!

My baby boy was obviously exhausted from helping momma decorate.

As for miss Sophie, she wanted no part in it and was completely confused.

I'm really looking forward to next week being filled with family! Oh and seeing all the holiday filled posts!

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1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait until our move so I can start decorating. I'll probably have the tree up before I even get the dishes put away if boyfriend will let me.
