Wednesday, November 14, 2012

wasted day

My pure lack of motivation is killing me today! I only had to go in and pull the meat from 5am-7am this morning and I'm off work for the rest of the day. My intentions were to get wild with it and start-finish my laundry, mail off the wedding photographer and dj contracts/retainers, clean the kitchen and living room, and whip up a bad ass dinner.

My accomplishments? None of the above. Not even the dinner part. Instead I came home and took a nap where I ignored my alarm clock and remained in a coma. Seriously our new sleep number bed is magical but when it comes to being productive count it out. I never seem to want to get out of bed anymore! Not that I really had a burning passion to before but that's another story in itself. The contracts are still on the kitchen table, the clothes are still dirty, and my kitchen is still for dinner? I totally talked Kyle into catching some sushi with me for dinner. Then we will be returning home to watch Sons of Anarchy. A 90-minute long special episode. Okay and for those who watch it please pray Juicy doesn't get killed off!! He's kinda yummy to look at in that "trashy-bad boy-biker guy" kind of way. ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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