Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday Christmas lovin!

Good morning my lovelies! I figured I would start this Wednesday out with a little bit of lovin'! What better way to do so than joining in with Jamie for...

With Christmas right around the corner I thought it would be best to incorporate my Christmas wish list!

The Nike Air Relentless. They're amazing. These are Relentless 2 but I currently have the original versions. I wear a size 8 just incase you come across a pair that you want to send my way ;)

I seriously want one of these sooo bad! Yeah...I'm lame.

I was the queen "hater" when it came to the twilight fad. Eventually some friends wanted me to see Breaking Dawn Part 1 so I went and caught up on the first three. Now I've seen part 2 and I'm seriously addicted. I feel the only way to lengthen my twilight obsession is to read the books now, being that the saga has come to an end :,(

A flower water gauge!! What? I haven't perfected my green thumb yet.

Because I have the first two so obviously I need the third...if I ever finish the second :-/

I use to have an iPod boombox...then I moved from my parents house and I just couldn't break my moms heart by takin it with me.

I need new light fixtures for my front porch seriously they're the old rusted these...

That's all for my Christmas list. Might I add that I'm also loving the fct that I've almost finished my Christmas project!

I'm going to attach them when I'm done and hang it on the wall:)

Happy Wednesday y'all!!

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Midnight screech

That yummy sounding casserole in my last post? HUGE HIT! The fam LOVED IT! It was pretty delicious and if I wasnt marrying and cooking dinners for a picky future hubs I would definitely let that recipe make it into the weekly dinner cycle. Yeah, it was that delicious.

Other news! Kyle and I were sound asleep last night. I mean like so asleep I had no idea the world existed kinda sleep. All of a sudden Miss Sophie, which was sleeping between Kyle and I, starts screaming/howling. Other than the fact that I about poo'd myself it turned out to be nothing more than baby girl having a nightmare. Seriously? I knew dogs dreamt but nightmares? It took us a second to calm her down but once that was accomplished she slept in her mommas arms the rest of the night. This morning she was nearly impossible to get up. She went outside and pottied with Koby and then they both came and got in bed with me before I got up to get ready for work. I literally had to pick her up out of the bed and go put her in her crate for me to be able to leave. Normally I just say "let's go Sophie" and off she trots to her sanctuary...which she despises.

So I leave you with photo proof that the babes were even being lazier than their momma this morning:

Oh and of course last night when Sophie decided to stretch across the bed and pass out I took a picture of that as well...

Yes, I take pictures of my dogs like most take pictures of their two legged children.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving contribution

Happy Thanksgiving my lovelies! I thought I would sneak a quick post in while drinking some coffee. I'm linking up with

The prompt I chose was Share a favorite Thanksgiving recipe. However since my mom is normally the chef for our feast and this year is the first year I'm contributing I'm going to share a recipe I got out of a Kraft magazine:

Bacon-Cheddar Corn Pudding
You need:
2 eggs, beaten
1-15oz can of cream corn
1-11oz can of corn with green and red bell peppers, drained
1- 8.5oz pkg of corn muffin mix
1/2 cup of Kraft Classic Ranch Dressing
1-8oz pkg of Kraft Cheddar cheese, divided
4 green onions sliced
2 slices of cooked bacon, crumbled.

Heat oven to 375°F

Mix first 5 ingredients until well blended. Stir in 1/2 cup of cheese.

Pour into a 2-quart casserole dish sprayed with cooking spray.

Bake 40 minutes. Meanwhile combine remaining cheese, bacon, and green onions.

Top casserole with cheese mixture and bake for an additional 15 minutes or until slightly browned.

I'm pretty excited to be contributing to the feast this year. All the past years I've lived with my parents so I've just assisted my mom in the kitchen. I am also bringing a strawberry cheesecake as well. I'll have to repost and let y'all know how the casserole and cheesecake turned out!

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekend shenanigans

I am feeling this, no doubt. Last week was super long for me. Normally I work a half day or not at all for that matter on Fridays. Then my weekend starts with Saturday and Sunday off work. However this week I had to work Friday as well as Saturday. I'm not going to complain because I love the extra money and I got off at 12pm both days.

Saturday when I got off work I rushed home to take a nap. To those of you who have been around for awhile that comes as no surprise. However we were taking a road trip to Kyle's hometown and were due to be there by 5pm to attend a friends thanksgiving dinner party so I wanted to be well rested from my long week...and plus let's be real I love to sleep!

We had a good time at the party and stayed the night at my soon to be inlaws. Sunday morning we ate breakfast with them and hung around the house watching a couple of movies. Later we headed over to Nanny's, Kyle's grandparents, house and ate lunch with them and hung out.

Afterwards we went back to Kyle's parents to pick up our dogs and head home. We watched the first Twilight movie and also Accepted...which is one of my favorites for some unknown reason.

I guess you could say we had an eventful weekend but I'm somehow happy to starting the week. Maybe it's because thanksgiving is in a couple days, who knows. Last week was a long work week and this one is going to be super short! I get off at three pm Wednesday and don't return till the following Monday. I'll be happy to have a break though!

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wedding update

So as I mentioned before with my grandfather being ill and passing away my blogging came to a halt. It wasn't just my blogging but it was wedding planning as well along with a lot of other things.

So to bring you up to speed here's what I have accomplished with wedding planning thus far! 167 days to go!

We have our venue deposit paid. We will be getting married at a historical house here in town. It is absolutely gorgeous and I'm not being bias! It will be an outdoor ceremony with the reception taking place inside.

We have finally decided on a wedding photographer as well as a DJ. It seems like the dress would be my biggest stress but honestly it was the photographer and dj. We chose Bethany Ann ( and she has actually worked a wedding at our venue before so it definitely brings piece of mind knowing that she's familiar with the surroundings. Needless to say she the most talented photographer we came by in our vicinity.

I also have purchased my veil, dress, and garter belts. After going to different boutiques it turns out it was the very first dress I tried on that was the dress! So I'm excited to get over that hurdle.

We have quite a bit more to accomplish but I have been prioritizing what's most important. First was the venue and dress. Then photographer and dj. Now my top of the list bride duties are the bridesmaid dresses, the cake, and getting Kyle in gear on planning the honeymoon. Once those are done I'm moving onto invitations, reception menu, and other odds and ends.

All together I think I'm making pretty good progress. At times it's beyond overwhelming thinking about all that needs to be accomplished but taking it task by task, for me, is ultimately the way to keep sanity. At the end of the day I get to marry the man of my dreams and start our future together. For that, I couldn't feel more blessed.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Christmas cheer v.1

Christmas cheer is almost here! Some may think I'm crazy but I already have my Christmas tree assembled and decorated! I still have a few knick knacks here and there that need to be placed but overall my Christmas decorating is almos complete!

Welcome to the Webb Family's first Christmas in our new house!

Not the best picture but I'll post a better one when I have everything finished ;)

My new Scentsy warmer that I am IN LOVE with! My current scent is Silver Bells, which is one of the holiday specials.

Who doesn't love a bottle of wine especially when it's wearing a Santa outfit!?

I have a lot more stuff that I need to take pictures of. My camera skills were lacking on the day I put everything up so there'll be plenty more to come!

My baby boy was obviously exhausted from helping momma decorate.

As for miss Sophie, she wanted no part in it and was completely confused.

I'm really looking forward to next week being filled with family! Oh and seeing all the holiday filled posts!

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

wasted day

My pure lack of motivation is killing me today! I only had to go in and pull the meat from 5am-7am this morning and I'm off work for the rest of the day. My intentions were to get wild with it and start-finish my laundry, mail off the wedding photographer and dj contracts/retainers, clean the kitchen and living room, and whip up a bad ass dinner.

My accomplishments? None of the above. Not even the dinner part. Instead I came home and took a nap where I ignored my alarm clock and remained in a coma. Seriously our new sleep number bed is magical but when it comes to being productive count it out. I never seem to want to get out of bed anymore! Not that I really had a burning passion to before but that's another story in itself. The contracts are still on the kitchen table, the clothes are still dirty, and my kitchen is still for dinner? I totally talked Kyle into catching some sushi with me for dinner. Then we will be returning home to watch Sons of Anarchy. A 90-minute long special episode. Okay and for those who watch it please pray Juicy doesn't get killed off!! He's kinda yummy to look at in that "trashy-bad boy-biker guy" kind of way. ;)

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Monday, November 12, 2012

unspoken absence

To say I'm overdue for a post would be an understatement! Right before Kyle and I got engaged I was informed of something that I hesitated and ultimately decided not to share. As time went on things became real. The past few months were no less than bittersweet. It was one of the happiest times in my life due to becoming newly engaged to the man I've always dreamed of and it was also the most devastating time in my life as well. Over the past couple of months the last thought on my mind was my "come back" blog post until the past few weeks where life has finally returned to 'normal', if it can actually be just that. I've thought about what I would blog about for quite a bit now, how I would spice it up and pretend everything has been just fine, nothing more than me hitting a speed bump in the blogosphere. Then reality hits. I made this blog to document mine and Kyle's life together speed bumps, flat tires, and all.

In the end of August my dad called me and told me that he needed to see my sister and I after work at my parent's house. First thought: more paperwork about wills, legal crap, etc. Second thought: something's wrong with Grand Daddy. My dad wouldn't lead into anything, okay really he just straight up told me no to both of the above. Later when my sister and I arrived my dad brought us into the kitchen where I realized he had lied. There was something wrong with my grand father, something that could not be fixed. He had liver cancer and the doctors gave him no more than three months to live. Normally by the time someone realizes that they have liver cancer it's too late to do anything about it. I've always thought that knowing that someone is going to die would be much easier than someone suddenly dying without any prior notice at all. I was wrong. Bottom line there is no easy way when it comes to death. It's the loss of a loved one regardless of how it happens. There's that absence in your life that can never be filled. I was my grand daddy's little girl. He was ultimately my shining star. Watching him lose his life right in front of me was draining. I spent weeks driving an hour to the hospital to sit with him. I miss him so much and really maybe I should've waited to even post about it because I'm still not taking it all that well. My sister and I were the last to see him and that's something I will always cherish. I will forever miss his smile, the way he laughs, the way he was never afraid to let the entire family know that I was his baby girl, his favorite... not caring who's feelings it may have hurt. I wish I could wrap my arms around his neck just one more time. I wish I could hear the way he sometimes had a hard time pronouncing words due to his speech impediment that he ended up with after a motorcycle wreck.

And that is why I haven't been here to post. I'm going to try to get better. After all the Holiday seasons are right around the corner and I have been getting on like a maniac!