Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The collar

So if you've ever owned a schnauzer or came around one then it's a given that you know they bark...a lot. I mean it's excessive to the point you think they potentially have issues. Their breed is known for being very protective of their homes and their owners. Well before we got Miss Sophie I had no idea about any of the above. Her barking disrupts the neighbors, it's high pitched, and quite frankly...annoying. Yes, I said it. The only thing that kept me from kicking her to the curb, metaphorically speaking of course, was her sweet and precious personality. She will look up at you with these eyes that melt you heart completely. She will cuddle with you and love on you to no end. She's not considered a lapdog and she's the most of one I've ever had.

Kyle had finally had enough. He gave in and went and purchased a bark collar. I thought it would just give her a little zap and she woul stop. No not case in hand at all. It's like someone pokes her with a flaming torch. At one point she reared back on her back legs like a horse. This breaks.my.heart.

I feel like its animal abuse! I'm scared the neighbors think we are cruel people or they're possibly thanking the heavens that the barking is getting under control. What do you do? Let them follow their natural instincts? Or break them of the habit and gain some sanity back?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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