Monday, August 27, 2012


Via google. As always.

I could literally start pooping glitter and peeing rainbows when it comes down to me being so excited over my house being straightened up. I'd like to say clean but let's be honest I picked up the scattered messes. Living room was swept not mopped, laundry was done except for sheets, bathroom was straightened and wiped down not sanitized...and well you get the point. The past two weeks I've been in and out of my house. My parents took a vaca to Florida so I house/dog sat. Thus meaning I came I dumped and strolled and left. No time for cleaning.

In my tremendous progress I've made in my house I even made time for a little photo shoot to show you my thrift store finds! Let the photo explosion roll...

The $14 dollar metal wall decor I mentioned previously, yet now hung and better photographed.

My $2 candle.



Holder 99¢; fall decor $1.00ea from the dollar tree.

$2 wire basket that now sits on my kitchen counter as a clutter catcher. Ie everything that comes out of Kyle's pockets.

$14 hobby lobby.

The tall rod iron candle holder was originally $99.00 from hobby lobby and I got it on clearance for $34. I smile every time I walk past it. Can we talk about that sofa table! As soon as we were in contract on our house I went to Essex and they were have a 50% off all boxed furniture sale. The catch? It's all in boxes and you don't know what you're getting. I took out my iPhone, got on amazon, scanned the barcode. Table listed on amazon for $129.00 at Essex it was $70. Take 50% off I snagged that beauty for only $35! I was estatic! The lamp? $5 City Thrift. Don't worry my friends all get jealous of my intense thrifting as well!

I'm still working on my fireplace arrangement but I had to snag a pic because I love all these items so much! The clock was only $12 from Kirklands.

I've had a busy weekend between cleaning, working, taking the boat out, and going to a birthday party. Overall I feel accomplished for the first time in a long time.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012


It's time for Jamie's What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving this tea towel that my sweet sweet friend Abbie surprised me with this morning. I loveee owls!

I'm loving this metal wall hanging that I got from the thrift store for only $14! Horrible photo but it's beautiful!

I'm loving that I've already started planning for my first Halloween party I will be having at mi casa the weekend before Halloween.

I'm loving my sweet little Koby. He is so sweet and lovey here lately!

I'm loving that my sweet Abbie surprised me also this morning with a scrumptious venti caramel frapp yummm!

I'm loving this hilarious picture I came across on pinterest.

I'm loving Fifty Shades of Grey...omg need I say more! I've decided if they make a movie Hayden Christianson would be a pretty good candidate to play Christian Grey, their name similiarities are purely coincidental in my decision.

Happy Wednesday yall!

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The collar

So if you've ever owned a schnauzer or came around one then it's a given that you know they bark...a lot. I mean it's excessive to the point you think they potentially have issues. Their breed is known for being very protective of their homes and their owners. Well before we got Miss Sophie I had no idea about any of the above. Her barking disrupts the neighbors, it's high pitched, and quite frankly...annoying. Yes, I said it. The only thing that kept me from kicking her to the curb, metaphorically speaking of course, was her sweet and precious personality. She will look up at you with these eyes that melt you heart completely. She will cuddle with you and love on you to no end. She's not considered a lapdog and she's the most of one I've ever had.

Kyle had finally had enough. He gave in and went and purchased a bark collar. I thought it would just give her a little zap and she woul stop. No not case in hand at all. It's like someone pokes her with a flaming torch. At one point she reared back on her back legs like a horse. This

I feel like its animal abuse! I'm scared the neighbors think we are cruel people or they're possibly thanking the heavens that the barking is getting under control. What do you do? Let them follow their natural instincts? Or break them of the habit and gain some sanity back?

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Lemonade to silicon

Remember when you were a kid it was easy to make a quick buck by stirring a lemonade koolaid packet and some sugar together, writing lemonade 10¢ on a piece of paper, and sitting at the edge of your driveway? I clearly remember my sister telling me I was lame until I brought back a big jar of dimes, quarters, and dollars. I remember even though my sign said 10¢ I would get a buck from some 'customers' because of my entrepreneurship (okay and the fact that it was a blistering 100°+ outside and clearly that shows dedication).

What I'm getting to is clearly I was in the wrong business and technologically behind. While Kyle was working on his truck Sunday morning two of the neighborhood kids were riding their bikes in their pj pants and bare feet (yeah don't get me started on that..) and they came to Kyle and told him they were selling bracelets and silicon iPhone cases for a dollar. I'm not talking about bracelets that you make from stolen yarn out of your moms crafting corner. Enter legit bracelets.

Heard of the rapper Drake and his awesome "yolo" that has started to take its toll? Yolo standing for you only live once and a bible scripture on the back. Kyle purchased three of them because you know it's the nice thing to do and also it's inspirational to look down at the verse on occasion. How did we go from lemonade to silicon bracelets and iPhone cases? Next we will be selling luggage and ripped off coach purses.

On another note I have finally gave in. Yes, finally. I went and purchased Fifty Shades of Grey. I've started reading the first two chapters but then I decided to finish my kitchen project..which will eventually make its debut. So far it's okay but I already know its about to get wild because people have big mouths and like to spoil the fun.

That's all for this Monday.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012


I'll be honest I fortunately do not get embarrassed frequently. It takes a WHOLE lot to embarrass me. Though some people would say this is a good thing, often I would beg to differ. Due to my lack of embarrassing moments when the occasion rises for one I truly do not know how to act or respond...which clearly makes the moment more embarrassing.

After stripping the meat in the mornings I head to my store and frequently stop by the donut shop for some breakfast, yeah not healthy but it's on the way and one of the only places open. Yes I could make my breakfast the night before or carry along a lunch box but as said yesterday I trying to make due with my organizing of life. End rant, not what this post is about. Wednesday I was following my normal breakfast routine or so I thought. And so it went like this:
Walk in, stand in line, tug-o-war with the cinnamon twist or cinnamon roll, mind made up! Next in line.
Quirky Asian woman that I frequently want to punch in face for all her fashion failures along with cake makeup is there to wait on me.
In her all time annoying voice, "next pleeeeze, hi how may I hel yeww?"
Me, "I would like a cinnamon roll please"
QAW (quirky Asian woman), "is dat aww fo yewww todayy"
Me, "yes please".
-she puts roll in bag, I hand over a debit card-
QAW, "yeww muss spend three dolla fo cawd"
-walk over grab green tea, make way back-
-she swipes card-
QAW, "oh yeww decline"
no! I just deposited my check, I haven't paid any bills yet nor went shopping! There's money there! You're clearly just as dumb as I thought!!
Me, "no the money is there try again"
QAW,"no yeww decline but I swipe 'gain".
QAW, "no yeww still decline"
-enter ridiculous embarrassment-
Me, "okay thank you"
Stunned I start to walk off
QAW, "yeww cud atlease poot up yo dreeenk"

I wanted to slap her. In my time of embarrassment she decides to make my walk of shame a little more embarrassing. I was devastated. Truly mortified.

I get into my car and I'm clearly at loss of words. Immediately I check my account. Plenty of money to purchase my 3.75$ breakfast. then it dawns on me I got a new card in the mail along with everyone else who uses the same bank because the new cards have more security. The cards were activated on the 14th deactivating our old ones. My embarrassing moment quickly switched to frustration.

Either way whether I had a million dollars in my account and it just wasn't working or I only had one dollar she should've never treated me as if I was a low class citizen barely scraping by and could not afford my breakfast. Yes, I'm still a little hostile towards her. You better believe I went in the following morning and I slammed my card down. Naturally, someone else waited on me while she annoyed someone else. I'm going to pretend she saw my card swiped and saw that I did not tip her ass either. After all I was barely scraping by right?

Images via google
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Friday, August 17, 2012

Organizing my life

Ive always been pretty good at organizing. Anytime any of the employees from my dad's store come to mine the same comment is made 90% of the time, "wow, it's so organized over here". Damn right! It makes my work day much easier.

I moved into my house in mid April and here it is mid August and for me to tell you that its organized is a complete lie. I've organized several small places including part of my closet, you better believe all of my work shirts are organized by color along with the rest of my clothing. But as far as the mail goes I've made an attempt to have it organized but it clearly is not a method that is working for us. The man cave is a complete disaster when it comes to organized along with the linen closet that I also use to store cleaning supplies.

My house is not the only thing that I cannot seem to organize properly. My life is. Every year I say I'm going to do this, this, and this and a little more of this with a whole lot of this during the summer. Negative, here it is with summer closing in and I've managed to do hardly anything I've wanted. I need a ten day week and even then I dont know if I would be able to manage the time properly and organize my days as said. By now I figured I would've already had a housewarming party. Negative again. Between mine and Kyle's schedules I can hardly fit in a shower on my weekends. I need to find some sort of balance and I just can't seem to figure it all out.

Feel free to leave tips or comments regarding how you manage time on a week to week basis. Fitting in your home maintenance, family time, work, and extracurricular activities. Right now, I'm clearly at a loss.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday lovin!

Yay! It's time to link up with Jamie for one of my favorites!

Here lately I've been on pinterest none stop to the point I'm surprised they haven't banned me due to my compulsive pinning. Nevertheless I've come across several pins I just must share!

Also to add to my loves for this new grocery list. Yes I'm guilty of making a million lists for what I need from different places therefore I lose them..quite frequently. So what do I do? Combine! In an organized fashion of course.

Each column is a different store and there's room at the bottom for notes. Genius, I know. You can thank me later.

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Diaper and tiara

The past couple weeks have been hectic as all get out thus explaining my lack of input into the blogosphere. A dear friend of mine passed away, Kyle's birthday, his cousins birthday party, duck blind drawing, went all over God's beautiful creation to find a boat, bought a boat, naturally kyle jumped at the first punch to take the boat out, then I had to work a ton, then we had a catering for the army till 8PM...the list goes on but I see I'm boring you now.

I was looking forward to this week, having my hopes held high that I would be able to take this week to catch a breath. Then the sudden realization hits me that during all nonstop going of the past two weeks guess what? Laundry doesn't do itself, the mop doesn't do it's job unless I'm behind it, and the odds and ends don't pick themselves up. Therefore I'm left with unattended house to attend to. Even the microwave needs a good scrub. Kyle's response to my freak out I laid on him over dinner, "it's a part of being an adult". If said is actually the truth I find it to be time to put on the diaper and tiara and kick my feet up.

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