Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's ok.

This lovely Thursday I've decided to change it up a bit. I'm linking up with Neely for It's Ok Thursday!

it's completely ok that the sky looks like the bottom is going to drop out any second and I still remain on the deck typing this blog post.

it's completely ok that I have taken two naps this week. What? Did I say something wrong...

it's completely ok that I have had no motivation all week long. I've even left work early twice this which in may or may not have fallen on the same days I took my naps, hehe.

it's completely ok that it's taken me all week to finish laundry, yes I still have one more load. Disclaimer: that is a google image, not actually my laundry.

it's completely ok that my dogs like to track in small grass particles that are now collecting behind my book cases and whatnots.

it's completely ok that tomorrow I have my day off and I have nothing scheduled to do. Um, maybe another nap...maybe not. Hehe.

Tomorrow we leave for Chapel Hill tomorrow. Tractor pulls and family reunion woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. I've said that before, that I already want to take a nap tomorrow. Naps are my lifeline.
