Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Birthday goodies

Yesterday I unexpectedly got off work early. I went home and cleaned the entire house, finished laundry, played with the babes, and baked my birthday boy a cake and some muffins.

I won't lie I was pretty proud of myself when it came to the cake. It was the first cake I'd ever made and it turned out fabulous!

Funfetti of course! Kyle thought it was pretty good as well. I gathered the dogs and we sang him happy birthday. Actually Koby looked at me as if I'd clearly lost my mind and honestly after yesterday I wouldn't be surprised if I had.

I made Kyle enchiladas for his birthday dinner and it was scrumptious! After cleaning up the kitchen we caught up on our three missed episodes of Big Brother. Ending result: Willie is insane.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's ok.

This lovely Thursday I've decided to change it up a bit. I'm linking up with Neely for It's Ok Thursday!

it's completely ok that the sky looks like the bottom is going to drop out any second and I still remain on the deck typing this blog post.

it's completely ok that I have taken two naps this week. What? Did I say something wrong...

it's completely ok that I have had no motivation all week long. I've even left work early twice this week...in which in may or may not have fallen on the same days I took my naps, hehe.

it's completely ok that it's taken me all week to finish laundry, yes I still have one more load. Disclaimer: that is a google image, not actually my laundry.

it's completely ok that my dogs like to track in small grass particles that are now collecting behind my book cases and whatnots.

it's completely ok that tomorrow I have my day off and I have nothing scheduled to do. Um, maybe another nap...maybe not. Hehe.

Tomorrow we leave for Chapel Hill tomorrow. Tractor pulls and family reunion woohoo!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

WILW: Pinterest creations

It's that time of the week again where I link up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday! A little forewarning, I'm loving quite a bit this Wednesday!

I'm loving the color of these walls! I really look forward to the day Kyle and I can up-do our bedroom and paint the walls this color. Possibly paired with peach or yellow. Or maybe both!

I'm loving this quote! Nuff said!

I'm loving that I finished my very first Pinterest project. I have pinned soooo many crafts and little things/ideas to do on Pinterest and all of a sudden I realized, hey stop pinning and start doing. I plan on tackling a few more by the end of next week.

I'm loving that I also finished my second Pinterest creation. When we moved into our house one of my least favorite things and immediate changes I wanted to make was the horrible 80's bronze hardware. It's every where kitchen, bathrooms, you name it. This is actually one of the less costly fixes for a home but when it's everywhere the money starts adding up. So for a temporary quick fix I spray painted all of em. They definitely look a lot better than they did.

I'm loving this picture. It's clear proof that Koby has a sock fixation as well as a hoarding problem. Note, that is his bed with his baby blanky along with stolen socks. Somehow I can't even be mad at the little sock thief.

I'm loving that this weekend Kyle and I will be heading to Chapel Hill for the annual family reunion. Which just so happens to always fall on the big tractor pull event. Last year was the first year I had ever been to a tractor pull and lemme tell ya I was amazed. Now just at the big roaring machines but also by the way parents let their teenage daughters out in short cut off blue jeans. I'm not just talking "short" I'm talking so short they almost need to wear a hair net before their pubes, or lack thereof, escape. Ridiculous. Maybe I'm too old or modest but no way no how.

That's all for this Wednesday!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Weekend recap via pictures

I had a pleasant weekend with a combination of relaxation, friends, family, and fun. I would write a post of everything that transpired but it would be a mile long. So here's my recap in pictures.

-I started on some pinterest crafts

Made Mickey Mouse pancakes for dinner

Kyle and I went out to a new hotspot in town and visited with some Dover friends.

We woke up and rejuvenated Sunday morning before heading my friends 3 year old daughters birthday party.

And Koby helped with laundry. Ya know, by making sure he finds all of the socks. (he's a sock thief)

I thought I would have had a worse case of the Monday's than I did but my Monday turned out pretty good. I spot cleaned the kitchen and we grilled hot dogs after spending time with some friends that came over to visit and see the house.

Hope everyone else had a lovely Monday!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I am...a writers workshop

It's that time of the week to link up with Mama Kat for her Thursday writing workshop.

My prompt for this lovely, yet rainy, Thursday: create your own I Am poem using the template provided.

The template outlined the poem and I filled in the blanks, result:

I Am

I am loving and random
I wonder why it only says that shirt and shoes are required, pants anyone?
I hear the birds chirping through the pine trees
I see the raindrops settling into the deck
I want to travel the world
I am loving and funny

I pretend to be on a reality show
I feel the love surrounding and flowing throughout my home
I touch the softness of Koby's fur
I worry that I love to carelessly
I cry when I feel helpless
I am loving and compassionate

I understand life was never meant to be easy
I say through Christ all things are possible
I dream about the day I marry my best friend and soulmate
I try to always make everyone around me happy
I hope one day I realize I can't save the world
I am loving and wonderful

Head over to Mama Kats and check out what other bloggers had to say!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

That's pinteresting!

SO my lack of posts come from a multitude of reasons: time, laziness, and this throbbing headache I've had going on for a week now.

I've also been pinning on Pinterest like a mad woman lately. I'm trying to come by cheap chic ways to decorate and put my house together as well as inexpensive, easy, and tasty recipes. Though my house has some rhyme and reason and is slightly decorate with picture frames and candles it still needs a few final touches to make everything come together. I really need to sit down and organize a list of what I want to do in each room and what need to be accomplished in that room to make it "complete". It obviously is going to be a bit of a long process but I know it will get there one day. Thankfully I'm pretty artistic and not lacking in the creativity department but like my preacher said in his sermon a couple weeks back, I need to utilize the gifts that God has blessed me with. So instead of purchasing paintings and miscellaneous wall art I've decided I will be making it.
Some of the crafts on my list: via Pinterest

I absolutely LOVE this idea! Take a poster frame and paint chips and it makes a monthly calendar. I've been having a hard time semi incorporating all of my kitchen colors (which I got off of a paint chip) so this would be a great way to do just that plus organize/plan in the process!

Once again I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly what I want to do with my fireplace mantel. With this simple step my step outline it will definitely help me look for the different items to make my mantel really stand out.

I'm wanting to do a tile back splash much like the one above for my stove. A neighbor of my moms tiled her entire kitchen and told my mom it was a lot easier than she ever imagined possible. Project to tackle? Oh just maybe!

Kyle and I are always finding new ways to express our love for each other. This is a great way to do just that. Everyday write one more reason you love each other. Scrapbook paper+printer+picture frame...cheap yet unique way of showing some lovin! Love love love this idea. Also I think it would be a good idea to do this for like a daily or weekly bible scripture.

Doily+canvas+spray paint!? Why in the world did I not think of such an easy and cheap way to spruce up a little area, or big for that matter.

I love this crafty idea of displaying your jewelry. I have a walk in closet that is kinda close to boring so I definitely plan on completing this craft.

I absolutely love this. Being that Kyle's, and my future, initial is W makes me love this all the more. I plan on doing this above the sofa in the living room. I love the personalization of pictures and initials yet it also helps take up that big empty space above my couch.

I'm looking forward to tackling these ideas. I also came across one where they took empty wine bottles and layered different sized rubber bands and paled spray paint. Super cheap knick-knack! (and one mor reason to buy some wine hehe). I plan on making a page of Pinterest crafts I plan on doing as well as the ones I've completed.

Happy Wednesday, almost Thursday in a few hours :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Burn ban & no water

I have been a busy bee here lately. Well kind of, I've actually been spending my spare time running through my reading list. I just finished Identical by Ellen Hopkins and now I've started on her Tricks. Um let's just say Identical is twisted in more ways than one! Definitely an ending I was unprepared for yet good, nonetheless.

I'm starting to get excited for Tricks. The further I read the deeper I get. When I'm through with that I'm branching from Ellen Hopkins and reading I Have Lived a Thousand Years by Livia Bitton-Jackson. A true story written by a woman who survived through the Holocaust. I've never been a huge history buff but for some reason the Holocaust highly intrigues me and I couldn't even tell you why.

I don't know about y'all but the weather here in Clarksville, TN is obnoxious. We reached 110° last week and we are in a severe drought. The whole county has been placed under a burn ban, yes right before the fourth of July we are banned from fireworks, grilling, and anything else that ignites. Topping that we're placed under a water restriction as well.

Thats a 24hr car wash down the street from my work. No one is allowed to wash cars at home you have to attend a car wash...hoping that the day you decide to wash your car they're actually open for business. In one weekend alone there were 241 calls to the police department informing of fireworks and grilling. If you're caught doing any of thes things it's a $2,500 fine and 11/29. 11months and 29days jail time. Shit is intense here y'all.

Tomorrow I'm getting off work at 12 and heading to the lake with Kyle and a friend of his from work and his wife. We're heading down to Paris Landing for the big firework show...yeah they haven't banned that yet.

Hope everyone has a Happy Fourth!