Wednesday, December 12, 2012


It's that time again to join in with Jamie for what I'm loving Wednesday! Click the picture to join in the fun!

I'm loving that it's so close to Christmas!

I'm loving that I got to hang my birthday present from my sister yesterday!

I'm loving that I finally beat my high score on Bejeweled Lightning ! Yay!

I'm loving that my sweet weddin photographer sent me a gift!

I'm loving that I got around to finally decorating around my tv in the living room!

I'm loving that my mom let me borrow my late grandmothers Santa painting for my fireplace!

I'm loving that Kyle and I got the fur babies they're stocking and filled them!

I'm loving this way oversized coffee mug that I found at Hobby Lobby!

Have a great Wednesday y'all!
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my iPhone

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Early birthday goodness

Today marks five days till my birthday! Yep, I'm a Christmas baby. Originally due Christmas Eve, I made my debut early. Probably the only time in my 24 years of life that I accomplished anything early. Anyways like most Christmas time babies, or maybe I'm speaking for myself here, I don't get near the presents..not like it matters, because everyone kinda bundles my birthday and Christmas in a package deal. Which my dad is a hardcore protester to that being that he's always made sure that he gives me two holidays like most. ;)

Anywho! I'm posting about my birthday early because today I recieved one of the best birthday presents ever...early! Maybe I'm too excited about it but it's definitely the perfect present for me.

The frame is espresso which matches pretty much all of my house. My sister got me this gem and as soon as she gave it to me this morning at work I wanted to rush home and hang it immediately. Unfortunately I'm going to have to wait another 6 hours to do so.

Happy early birthday to me!

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Quick note weekend

This morning I woke up to a rain day. Which leaves me thinking that there's no better time to get caught up on house chores and Christmas decorating. A nap might be thrown in there too, we'll just see how the day goes.

Have a great weekend y'all!

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012


It's time to join Jamie for...

This week I'm loving a couple of things!
I'm loving that last week I scored an AWESOME DEAL!

I bought three pairs of shoes for only $10 a piece! Obviously I had to buy three pairs for that deal. I really wanted to buy all the colors they had!

I'm loving that it's only Wednesday and I've already made $116 extra this week. I may be exhausted but I'm not gonna complain!

I'm loving the new Cuptakes Frames for Decemeber (it's an app for your phone) I played around with a couple and sent some to Abbie's phone so her adorable baby Jackson could be displayed seasonally for her iPhone.

The last two are of her sweet baby Jackson!

I'm loving that yesterday was exactly five months until my wedding!!

I'm loving that mine and Kyle's tacky Christmas sweater party is next weekend.

I'm loving that today marks two years since Kyle and I first met. It was love at first sight! for me anyway...I knew immediately!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far! Dot forget to join in with new momma Jamie!

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tidbits for Tuesday

It's only Tuesday and I'm already indulging in Redbull. Which brings up the question why did they choose a red bull? Why not green...

Or even pink...

I definitely think they should've gone green since that seems to be the thing to do. After all green normally stands for GO and red stands for stop. Pretty sure this is a nonwinning argument but thought I'd just put out facts here.

Other news! My nephew, sweet sweet adorable nephew, decided this morning that he wanted to use the potty instead of use the diaper. So being the adorable kid that he is he tells my sister, his mom, that she has to leave the bathroom. He's very modest. Ten minutes later she returns to him still sitting on the toilet and he replies "I'm trying to shit!" cricket. I don't know where he learned that nor am I going to ask. But I thought I'd share that. The funny doesn't stop there though... He's currently potty training so when he finally pooped in the potty he demanded his daddy to take this...

And my oh so funny fiancé's response...

Obviously I'm surrounded by a bunch of nutcases. Just saying.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday Christmas lovin!

Good morning my lovelies! I figured I would start this Wednesday out with a little bit of lovin'! What better way to do so than joining in with Jamie for...

With Christmas right around the corner I thought it would be best to incorporate my Christmas wish list!

The Nike Air Relentless. They're amazing. These are Relentless 2 but I currently have the original versions. I wear a size 8 just incase you come across a pair that you want to send my way ;)

I seriously want one of these sooo bad! Yeah...I'm lame.

I was the queen "hater" when it came to the twilight fad. Eventually some friends wanted me to see Breaking Dawn Part 1 so I went and caught up on the first three. Now I've seen part 2 and I'm seriously addicted. I feel the only way to lengthen my twilight obsession is to read the books now, being that the saga has come to an end :,(

A flower water gauge!! What? I haven't perfected my green thumb yet.

Because I have the first two so obviously I need the third...if I ever finish the second :-/

I use to have an iPod boombox...then I moved from my parents house and I just couldn't break my moms heart by takin it with me.

I need new light fixtures for my front porch seriously they're the old rusted these...

That's all for my Christmas list. Might I add that I'm also loving the fct that I've almost finished my Christmas project!

I'm going to attach them when I'm done and hang it on the wall:)

Happy Wednesday y'all!!

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Midnight screech

That yummy sounding casserole in my last post? HUGE HIT! The fam LOVED IT! It was pretty delicious and if I wasnt marrying and cooking dinners for a picky future hubs I would definitely let that recipe make it into the weekly dinner cycle. Yeah, it was that delicious.

Other news! Kyle and I were sound asleep last night. I mean like so asleep I had no idea the world existed kinda sleep. All of a sudden Miss Sophie, which was sleeping between Kyle and I, starts screaming/howling. Other than the fact that I about poo'd myself it turned out to be nothing more than baby girl having a nightmare. Seriously? I knew dogs dreamt but nightmares? It took us a second to calm her down but once that was accomplished she slept in her mommas arms the rest of the night. This morning she was nearly impossible to get up. She went outside and pottied with Koby and then they both came and got in bed with me before I got up to get ready for work. I literally had to pick her up out of the bed and go put her in her crate for me to be able to leave. Normally I just say "let's go Sophie" and off she trots to her sanctuary...which she despises.

So I leave you with photo proof that the babes were even being lazier than their momma this morning:

Oh and of course last night when Sophie decided to stretch across the bed and pass out I took a picture of that as well...

Yes, I take pictures of my dogs like most take pictures of their two legged children.