Wednesday, December 12, 2012


It's that time again to join in with Jamie for what I'm loving Wednesday! Click the picture to join in the fun!

I'm loving that it's so close to Christmas!

I'm loving that I got to hang my birthday present from my sister yesterday!

I'm loving that I finally beat my high score on Bejeweled Lightning ! Yay!

I'm loving that my sweet weddin photographer sent me a gift!

I'm loving that I got around to finally decorating around my tv in the living room!

I'm loving that my mom let me borrow my late grandmothers Santa painting for my fireplace!

I'm loving that Kyle and I got the fur babies they're stocking and filled them!

I'm loving this way oversized coffee mug that I found at Hobby Lobby!

Have a great Wednesday y'all!
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my iPhone