Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tidbits for Tuesday

It's only Tuesday and I'm already indulging in Redbull. Which brings up the question why did they choose a red bull? Why not green...

Or even pink...

I definitely think they should've gone green since that seems to be the thing to do. After all green normally stands for GO and red stands for stop. Pretty sure this is a nonwinning argument but thought I'd just put out facts here.

Other news! My nephew, sweet sweet adorable nephew, decided this morning that he wanted to use the potty instead of use the diaper. So being the adorable kid that he is he tells my sister, his mom, that she has to leave the bathroom. He's very modest. Ten minutes later she returns to him still sitting on the toilet and he replies "I'm trying to shit!" ...cricket cricket. I don't know where he learned that nor am I going to ask. But I thought I'd share that. The funny doesn't stop there though... He's currently potty training so when he finally pooped in the potty he demanded his daddy to take this...

And my oh so funny fiancé's response...

Obviously I'm surrounded by a bunch of nutcases. Just saying.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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