Monday, September 17, 2012

The venue

Only two more days till I get to go see the potential wedding venue! I'm beyond excited. If I choose the venue then everything will become more clear; the date, when I need to sens out invitations, and ultimately the wedding timeline as a whole.

I've been going nuts on pinterest. I'm pretty sure I have my color palette picked out. Yet once again when I see the venue that too will be more clear due to me beig more visual. I have plenty of idea on what I want but I think everything will come together once I see the venue. I kind of have all my eggs in this basket. If the venue is not what I want then the whole game changes and we may just go with option a, yes option a because originally this is what we had planned due to a massive size family on Kyle's half, then we will look into a destination wedding.

The subject of bridezilla has been brought up a time or two. Honestly I don't think I will be classified as one,though I'm all of a diva, but I've been very laid back in the plans thus far. At the end of the day I get to marry my best friend and that's all that is important to me. I'm not sweatin the small stuff. Nothing is perfect. I know I have an amazing man and just a little flaw in the wedding, whether it be the cake a little crooked or a bridesmaid with tan lines, is all irrelevant and I'm not going to let that determine our marriage. Whatever happens the day will be perfect for me because I found my prince charming and he's going to make me his queen.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I dont think you seem like the bridezilla type. At all. The only thing I actually care about going wrong for my wedding is the weather, and only because I absolutely love outdoor photos.
