Saturday, September 15, 2012

I said yes!

You will totally forgive my absence in the blogosphere by the end of this blog post. Just trust me. ;)

Last September 2011 Kyle and I went to Hendersonville, TN to celebrate with our friends as they took each others hand in marriage. The reception was phenomenal. It was the best I'd been to yet filled with drinks, laughter, and love. As we danced the night away it finally started closing in and it was time for the bouquet toss. 
Naturally, I caught the bouquet...I was a catcher in softball for many years. Trust me, I know how to knock some bitches down. Joking, of course... Though this entails that I would be the next to be married I don't really believe in too many wives tails. Old Wives Tails, just think of the name. Clearly in those days they were stay at home wives obviously bored so they made up some crazy shenanigans and now we're suppose to follow them...? Right...

Follow up: one of the brides bridesmaids ended up getting married however she had already been engaged so that kind of throws that out the window. No one has been engaged since the throwing of the bouquet...until now. 

drum roll...

Kyle asked...and i said YES!!!
So here's how it went down...
Last Saturday September 8, 2012 Kyle and I enjoyed ourselves at Target trying on different crazy styles of sunglasses and just getting into a bunch of shenanigans. Earlier that night we had dinner with my parents at Old Chicago...also nothing new because we frequently have dinner with the 'rents. He was being extremely lovey all last weekend but honestly, I didn't think too much into it because he goes through his random days of being extra lovey--naturally he's a lover.

Sunday we woke up and started getting ready for the Titans game. The first game of the season and I was mega pumped up! On the way to the game we got stuck in traffic because a semi was trying to cross over three lanes in the middle of game traffic. So as we were stopping and going Kyle continually braked fast. There was nothing graceful about him putting on the brakes, he never once eased, just slammed. A thousand wonders we didn't get rear-ended. Still I didn't think much into this because sometimes he has ungraceful days and other days he does it purposely to just pester me. As I was nagging explaining to him to gracefully put the brakes on he replies with "Sorry, guess I'm just super anxious". Once again, no shocker there because he has anxiety frequently. Finally we pull into the parking lot and Kyle shuts the car off. He then turned towards me and says, "Can we have a serious talk?" okay, first and foremost anytime he starts a conversation off with this I automatically know I'm in trouble, it's just a given. So the conversation goes:

Me No. I know what you're going to tell me.
Kyle Okay, what then?
Me  You're going to tell me to not drink too much. -roll eyes-
Kyle That's not it at all
Me Okay, continue with yourself
Kyle Well, you know this was where our first date was. -tear rolls down his cheek- So I thought that this would be the best place to ask you. Will you marry me?
Me What? NO? Wait?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
Kyle Yes, I'm serious
Me Wait, like you seriously serious? This is happening?!
Kyle Is that a yes?
Me OMG YES!!!! Wait... did you ask my dad?
Kyle Yes, I asked him earlier this week.
Me well, did he say yes?
Kyle of course. 

Then we shared tears, hugs, lots of kisses. I look over to my passenger side window and our friend Jason is sitting there, I don't even know when he got there. Just like I don't even remember when Kyle pulled the ring out, I still claim that it just magically appeared. In my moments of freaking out I called my mom we shared tears, apparently she already knew as well, along with my best friend. I totally thought that I wouldn't be surprised when he asked me but he definitely blindsided me. Now feeling a little dumb when I think about the third sentence in that conversation. Yet definitely the definition of us. 

I finally get to marry my best friend, one of the best men I've ever come encountered with, my soul mate, and my back bone. I could not be happier. 

Next Wednesday I have an appointment to see a venue. I've already selected my bridesmaids/made of honor. I would give anything if I wouldve thought to get a picture of the way I asked them but I was too wrapped up in excitement. My best friend and sister both already knew that they were going to be in the wedding party but my dear friend Abbie had absolutely no idea. I bought cute little chinese takeout boxes that were black and white paisley with a green ribbon as the handle. I filled the boxes with stuffing and put a ring pop inside. I then bought some cardstock paper that matched the green ribbon and printed on it, "Now it's my turn to POP the question. Will you be my bridesmaid?" the three of them loved it. I thought Abbie was going to pee her pants. I couldn't have picked better bridesmaids. They are all so enthused about the wedding and they're all very creative. No telling what my bachelorette party is going to be.  

Anywho, now that this is a mile long post I will finish it off with some picture. The first one is from the bank next door to our work celebrating my parents 30th anniversary. The second is with me and the sweet bride that I caught her bouquet a year ago. The third is of Kyle and I with solo cups that some nice strangers did for us. His says "Will you?" mine said "Yes!"

1 comment:

  1. Oh yay! Congrats I am so happy for you! I guess catching that bouquet was a sign. And I love the way you asked your bridesmaids to be in the wedding. I totally want to steal that idea when my time comes.
